Yuda Fan

I drink water for what it is.
Yuda Fan  Master Student
Direct Doctorate Student
Department of Informatik
ETH Zürich


About Me

Welcome to the homepage of one of the best chess player among TCS researchers :D. Don't you believe it? I kindly invite you to refer to my research page or directly challenge me on chess here.

I have graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and start my Ph.D. career at ETH Zürich in 2021. My research interests fall in the following several areas

  • Graph Theory: especially perfect graph and tree decomposition, and the most fascinating problem for me is the graceful labelling.

  • Discrete Geometry, Computational Geometry: I have just completed my [Master Thesis] about the hidden points and vertices under Prof. Bernd's supervision.

If you are interested in my educational background and research experience, please refer to my [Resume] to get detail information.

For hiring managers, I kindly invite you to take a look at this [CV] which highlights my working skills.